Small little review of Quake Live (beta).
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Skybuck Flying
2009-02-26 13:01:41 UTC
Hello Peeps,

The queue at the quakelive website has become ridicilously long... (30.000
people waiting... when I was there, there were only 2000 waiting thank god
for me ;)) and there are some things I don't like about quakelive and then
there are some things which are kinda nice.

So to give you something to read and maybe think about here is a small
little review:

First the bad:

1. Long queue's <- bullshit. Central control bullshit ? Distributed rocks ?
Can the website scale or not ? Time will tell... currently it's not scaling
so that's a bad sign.

2. The rockets are a bit too powerfull... in The Quake 3 Demo, the rockets
are a bit less powerfull... therefore it always requires two rocket hits
which is kinda nice/fun... because funny/weird things happen... like people
flying through the air... and you getting a second chance to fire back at
your opponents... This is were quakelive is a bit
stupid/nasty/frustrating... one rocket up your ass and boom your dead, and
you'll be wondering wtf just happened ?
Mostly because of point 3:

3. It's hard/difficult to tell who killed who... and especially who killed
me ? It's only displayed for a fraction of a second at some weird display...
it's very easy to miss because of all the rest of the text and clutter
around it.
I think some kind of log to show what happened like BF2 has is much better !
So I hope such a feature will be added.
I also miss the console ! Usually one would consult the console if one
wanted to know what happened.

4. One server had some kind of bad lag... the ping times seemed good...
maybe it was just starving for bandwidth or maybe the netcode has
problems... or maybe it was punkbuster... but it was kinda annoying and
frustrating at times.

5. Players are really skillfull at this game... I was getting owned most of
the time... I am not a real quake 3 full game player... I just play against
Quake 3 Bots... which become predictable after a while... So I guess I am
just being a sissy playing against bots lol... but not really I like playing
against the bots more than against real humans ?! CRAZY ! :) But that's
probably because I win easier from these bots hehe... so for Quake Live I
would need some more training against real humans ! ;) :)

6. However I also noticed that some players were getting unfair adventages
because of lag ? At least it seemed like that... There was one incident that
clearly showed this to me:

I had mega health 200 points, I had Quad Damage, I had BFG... and this guy
who's name I shall not reveal, simply refused to die... I was blasting
around his feet everywhere... and he just wouldn't die... under these
circumstances ? Highly unlikely...

I have noticed weird kind of lag situations before... mostly on this one
server... Suddenly I am getting killed out of nowhere ?

I was thinking to myself: Does somebody have an invisiblity item ? The game
does have an invisibility item... I don't know what levels have it or where
it is... but it was happening to often to me to be explained by
invisibility... Most likely cause is lag... and missed updates etc...

But ok so far I am "willing" to blame it on this one server being weird...
but it could also be a sign of trouble to come...

However after servers played just fine it seemed.

Now I will talk about some more good stuff... and then again some more bad
stuff or disappointsments ;)

The good stuff:

1. The game looks a little bit better.

2. The game has some new maps, and all maps from full available.

3. All the familiar weapons are in place so you will feel right familiar
except for the granade launcher and mine deployer which seem a little bit
weird but ok. Also the granades bunch a bit weird but ok... This requires
getting used to I guess.

4. New voices, new characters, new power ups ?

5. Web interface looks kinda nice and has nice statistics... like last
enemies... and such... and some fun rewards/medals and such.

6. All important settings are present, like controls, mouse sensitivity,
auto-pick-up weapons off etc.

7. A new game mode which was fun to play:

"Clan arena": Everybody has more health, all weapons, and lot's of ammo...
but you only have 1 life ! =D

It's team vs team... hell of a lot of fun it was... especially the old space
level ! =D

The first time in this "dragon level" where this dragon stairway is... was
the first time I played this I wasn't sure if I had only 1 life... but I
kinda felt it... I was the last man of my team standing... and I was
shooting rockets like crazy just to be sure nobody came through the door...
then I went up and shot between the dragon pilar... kinda funny... I was
owning them from the first try... that was cool and required a bit of
tactical/strategy thinking.

I think this is what is fun about this game mode: It requires some

Some players could sacrifice themselfes for the team... like "an assault
team" trying to bring chaos to the enemies...

That's what I did in the space level and it worked a couple of times:

First time I went full assault with the laser beam weapon... causing suprise
and massive destruction by going right between the enemy team... will my
team were sniping them from far away. This worked two times or so.. third
time not... enemy team adepted to this strategy quickly ! ;) :)

Second time I used granade launcher to shoot granade's up from below... to
bomb them by surprise and spread them out... this worked a little bit less
well... but one time worked one time not.

So this mode should be a definate keeper ! ;) :)

It's cool to see quake 3 get some more strategy elements ! ;)

7.2 Team deathmatch was kinda fun too.


7.3 I didn't care for 1 v 1 mode because it took way to long to play... I
had to wait 5 minutes per match and that multiple times ? No thank you ! I
would be rather playing myself !

7.4 Capture the flag was confusing as always... for newbies... what to do ?
where to go ? what to use ? where the hell is everbody ? Where is the flag
carrier and so forth... there is a little screen that displays everybody's
locations... but then you would have to know the location names otherwise
this is not much use to you ! ;)

Maybe some kind of 3 dimensional see-through map could help to give players
a quick idea were the hell everybody is or maybe a scanner like in BF2 ;)

8. The bomb/skull bomb/death is kinda funny/cool.

Is the game worth the waiting ?

I have mixed feelings about this... mostly: no. But partially: yes.

The statistics is interesting/fun... and the better graphics here and there
is fun as well.

What disappoints me to most about this game ?

1. What I kinda find disappointing is lack of new gameplay... lack of new
game modes... except the clan arena...

So I would like to see some more gameplay modes... that's what a beta could
be for: testing out game modes or so and seeing how people like it....

But ok... this game has downloadable content.. maybe we will see some more
game modes in the future ?!?

I think this could be refreshing ! At least I found the clan arena mode
quite refreshing ! =D

Skybuck =D
Skybuck Flying
2009-03-03 17:55:49 UTC
I have removed this game from my computer.

It was quite shocking to see how much it slowed down my computer while the
game was not running.

It leaves services running like punkbusterA...

This "computer-slow-down" can be noticed when playing Quake 3 Arena... the
screen will stutter ! ;)

^ Nice way to detect if anything weird is running inside your computer and
taking up cpu ;)

Skybuck Flying
2009-03-03 17:58:00 UTC
Even after removing this game, my computer still seems to be a bit shaky
when playing quake 3 arena... I wonder if it installed any other additional
spyware... hmmm.

Maybe a reboot will help otherwise further investigation is required.

