Crazy Game Mode Concept: Hold on to the crown !
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Skybuck Flying
2009-02-25 19:47:34 UTC

I just had a crazy game mode concept.

For example Quake 3/Live or a new game could have the following game mode:

"There is this crown" that can be picked up.

When you have the crown the meter starts ticking... and you are gathering up

The objective is to collect the most points by wearing the crown the longest

"Like a king of the crown" :)

Everybody comes after you :)


(When you get killed the crown drops to the floor, so others can pick it up
! :) )

An alternative idea could be a team-crown mode... were one player is wearing
the crown and everybody gets points
as long as the team is wearing the crown ! =D

Skybuck =D
Skybuck Flying
2009-02-25 19:51:10 UTC
Another variation of this idea could be the following:

Everbody gets to wear the crown for say 10 seconds.

The computer simply selects somebody at random who gets to wear the crown...
evenly distributed like a shuffle.

Then when you receive the crown from the computer your character model
lights up and gets a crown above it's head !

People can only get points by killing the wearer of the crown ! =D

So at some point you're chasing the crown... and then suddenly it flips to
somebody else... IT COULD BE YOU ! =D


Everybody turning on you ! LOL.

Skybuck ;)
Russ Perry Jr.
2009-02-27 02:35:04 UTC
Post by Skybuck Flying
I just had a crazy game mode concept.
"There is this crown" that can be picked up.
When you have the crown the meter starts ticking... and you are gathering up
The objective is to collect the most points by wearing the crown the longest!
Everybody comes after you :)
Actually, there was a Quake II mod that played pretty much as you
describe, except that it was a halo, not a crown.
|| Russ Perry Jr 2175 S Tonne Dr #114 Arlington Hts IL 60005 ||
|| 847-952-9729 ***@sbcglobal.net VIDEOGAME COLLECTOR! ||
Skybuck Flying
2009-02-27 13:57:17 UTC
Post by Russ Perry Jr.
Post by Skybuck Flying
I just had a crazy game mode concept.
"There is this crown" that can be picked up.
When you have the crown the meter starts ticking... and you are gathering up
The objective is to collect the most points by wearing the crown the longest!
Everybody comes after you :)
Actually, there was a Quake II mod that played pretty much as you
describe, except that it was a halo, not a crown.
Was it fun to play ?

Did it last long ?

Russ Perry Jr.
2009-02-28 03:40:21 UTC
Post by Skybuck Flying
Post by Russ Perry Jr.
Post by Skybuck Flying
I just had a crazy game mode concept.
"There is this crown" that can be picked up.
When you have the crown the meter starts ticking... and you are
gathering up points.
The objective is to collect the most points by wearing the crown the longest!
Everybody comes after you :)
Actually, there was a Quake II mod that played pretty much as you
describe, except that it was a halo, not a crown.
Was it fun to play ?
Yeah, it was alright. There was an additional element too that if
you killed enough people NOT wearing the halo, you became "unclean",
and a swarm of flies surrounded you, buzzing; I can't recall all
the penalties though.
Post by Skybuck Flying
Did it last long ?
As long as you wanted. You would lose the halo if you were killed,
but also you could just throw it away if you wanted, but you could
only score by killing the person with the halo, or having the halo
and killing others plus a bonus for how long you stayed alive, so
you had the incentive to wear it as much as you could.
|| Russ Perry Jr 2175 S Tonne Dr #114 Arlington Hts IL 60005 ||
|| 847-952-9729 ***@sbcglobal.net VIDEOGAME COLLECTOR! ||
Skybuck Flying
2009-03-02 09:41:27 UTC
I meant how long was it fun to play ?

Was it like once or twice...

Or did you play it for weeks and weeks ?

Skybuck =D
Russ Perry Jr.
2009-03-06 04:11:14 UTC
Post by Skybuck Flying
I meant how long was it fun to play ?
Was it like once or twice...
Or did you play it for weeks and weeks ?
Couple weeks probably. We mostly did capture the flag, but
it was entertaining enough.
|| Russ Perry Jr 2175 S Tonne Dr #114 Arlington Hts IL 60005 ||
|| 847-952-9729 ***@sbcglobal.net VIDEOGAME COLLECTOR! ||
2009-03-02 03:33:27 UTC
Post by Russ Perry Jr.
Post by Skybuck Flying
I just had a crazy game mode concept.
"There is this crown" that can be picked up.
When you have the crown the meter starts ticking... and you are gathering up
The objective is to collect the most points by wearing the crown the longest!
Everybody comes after you :)
Actually, there was a Quake II mod that played pretty much as you
describe, except that it was a halo, not a crown.
There was also Catch (or maybe it was capture) the Chicken. It was a
team game with up to four teams, and when you had the chicken, you
weren't able to use weapons. You only scored points by holding the
chicken, and only for about twenty seconds. Of course, you could
throw the chicken down and immeadiately pick it up again.

My nephew Josh would throw the chicken at an attacker, kill them, then
retrieve the chicken.