These are beginner bots?
(too old to reply)
2009-09-12 21:15:07 UTC
On Unreal Tournament, I can win CTF games on Average without ever
dying, on most maps. And I can beat Experienced, only occasionally
giving up a cap.

But many of these "I can win" bots in Q3 can beat the crap out of me.
Is there a setting in here where the game has adjusted the difficulty
upward because I was playing too good at first?
2009-09-12 21:42:38 UTC
Post by Todd
On Unreal Tournament, I can win CTF games on Average without ever
dying, on most maps. And I can beat Experienced, only occasionally
giving up a cap.
But many of these "I can win" bots in Q3 can beat the crap out of me.
Is there a setting in here where the game has adjusted the difficulty
upward because I was playing too good at first?
No. The bots don't adjust. Some bots are better than others though.
Most of us old-timers can beat nightmare bots. Although on a ctf map with a
railgun, it might be really tough.
Keep practicing!
I used to believe a guy lived in a whale, and a woman came from a rib... but
then, something very important happened to me that made me doubt all of it. I
GRADUATED 6th GRADE! -- Bill Maher
2009-09-13 04:38:59 UTC
...or you can get your own bot and you don't have to waste all that
time practicing. (...just have your bot call my bot)

marXbig...who knows just enough to be dangerous.

On Sat, 12 Sep 2009 14:42:38 -0700, sittingduck
Post by sittingduck
Post by Todd
On Unreal Tournament, I can win CTF games on Average without ever
dying, on most maps. And I can beat Expetienced, only occasionally
giving up a cap.
But many of these "I can win" bots in Q3 can beat the crap out of me.
Is there a setting in here where the game has adjusted the difficulty
upward because I was playing too good at first?
No. The bots don't adjust. Some bots are better than others though.
Most of us old-timers can beat nightmare bots. Although on a ctf map with a
railgun, it might be really tough.
Keep practicing!
2009-09-13 07:18:01 UTC
Post by unknown
...or you can get your own bot and you don't have to waste all that
time practicing. (...just have your bot call my bot)
Download spiterbot sometime and give that sucker a try...
Makes nightmare seem easy.
I used to believe a guy lived in a whale, and a woman came from a rib... but
then, something very important happened to me that made me doubt all of it. I
GRADUATED 6th GRADE! -- Bill Maher