Change of Screen Name
(too old to reply)
2009-09-08 19:27:56 UTC
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)

I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.

I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)

My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ - only
name will change. :)
2009-09-08 20:55:56 UTC
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
go get 'em Imperius Damian: How shoot red rope?
I'm lost... I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back, keep me here.
2009-09-08 20:58:09 UTC
Post by pop
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
go get 'em Imperius Damian: How shoot red rope?
oh yeah... and pull my finger!
I'm lost... I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back, keep me here.
2009-09-08 22:19:55 UTC
Post by pop
How shoot red rope?
AHAHAHAHA! I used to spam that in the quakelive irc channels.... pretty
much nobody got it. :(

If anyone's interested, I just put my openarena server back up, it's in
Seattle, and is running all custom quake3 maps.
If you don't know what openarena is, it's basically open-source quake. The
beauty of it (besides being free) is that you can use an HTTP redirect for
mods and maps! Download maps at 500K!
Grab OA there, then simply:
/cl_allowdownload 1 //auto download OFF by default. Option in menus too.
/model hulk // green tankjr
/cg_forcemodels 1
I used to believe a guy lived in a whale, and a woman came from a rib...
but then, something very important happened to me that made me doubt all of
it. I GRADUATED 6th GRADE! -- Bill Maher
Computer User
2009-09-10 17:29:15 UTC
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
Whoa, people still check this group? ;-) Hola everyone!
2009-09-10 22:46:55 UTC
Post by Computer User
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
Whoa, people still check this group? ;-) Hola everyone!
Just when you thought it was dead.
2009-11-08 23:20:25 UTC
Post by Computer User
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
Whoa, people still check this group? ;-) Hola everyone!
Ahhh this post reminds me of a story handed down to me through several
generatoins of my family(okay I read it on the bathroom walll).

Once upon a time,

In a land far far away

You're gay.

The End
2010-09-03 06:03:30 UTC
Post by chicken
Ahhh this post reminds me of a story handed down to me through several
generatoins of my family(okay I read it on the bathroom walll).
Once upon a time,
In a land far far away
You're gay.
The End
You are either a thief or we are related.

I'm going with thief, cause yer fugly dude.

Now stop stealing my stories.
2010-09-28 02:52:51 UTC
Post by Frank_Rizzo
Post by chicken
Ahhh this post reminds me of a story handed down to me through several
generatoins of my family(okay I read it on the bathroom walll).
Once upon a time,
In a land far far away
You're gay.
The End
You are either a thief or we are related.
I'm going with thief, cause yer fugly dude.
Now stop stealing my stories.
Pound sand shit finger!

Oh yeah, whatchya wearin?

2009-09-11 03:13:49 UTC
On Tue, 8 Sep 2009 15:27:56 -0400, "EvilBill[AGQx]"
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ - only
name will change. :)
Can you do that?

pF.marXbig...who knows just enough to be dangerous.
Imperius Damian
2009-09-12 11:47:16 UTC
Post by unknown
On Tue, 8 Sep 2009 15:27:56 -0400, "EvilBill[AGQx]"
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ - only
name will change. :)
Can you do that?
pF.marXbig...who knows just enough to be dangerous.
Very easily actually ;)
2009-09-12 16:57:45 UTC
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
gonna miss that old familiar name. Never even once thought of it being
related to Bill Gates.....

2009-09-13 11:15:38 UTC
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
OMG, I can't believe EvilBill and pop are still in these groups! :)

I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)

Regards, Otser.
2009-09-13 12:24:03 UTC
Post by OTSER
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
OMG, I can't believe EvilBill and pop are still in these groups! :)
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Regards, Otser.
remember you? with my memory? of course I remember you! What were we
talking about? oh yeah, I haven't pulled this newsgroup over in years...
I'm lost... I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back, keep me here.
2009-09-13 20:46:30 UTC
Post by pop
remember you? with my memory? of course I remember you! What were we
talking about? oh yeah, I haven't pulled this newsgroup over in years...
You know, I can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic...?
2009-09-13 23:32:38 UTC
Post by OTSER
Post by pop
remember you? with my memory? of course I remember you! What were we
talking about? oh yeah, I haven't pulled this newsgroup over in years...
You know, I can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic...?
If you remembered me, you would know ;)
I'm lost... I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back, keep me here.
2009-11-08 23:09:33 UTC
Post by pop
Post by OTSER
Post by pop
remember you? with my memory? of course I remember you! What were we
talking about? oh yeah, I haven't pulled this newsgroup over in years...
You know, I can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic...?
If you remembered me, you would know ;)
I'm lost... I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back, keep me here.
Having been the cause of many "pulling overs" in several years past I
can tell you first hand that Pop is very VERY serious.

p.s. tell Mark he is a filthy woman.
2009-11-09 00:44:28 UTC
Post by chicken
Post by pop
Post by OTSER
Post by pop
remember you? with my memory? of course I remember you! What were we
talking about? oh yeah, I haven't pulled this newsgroup over in years...
You know, I can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic...?
If you remembered me, you would know ;)
I'm lost... I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back, keep me here.
Having been the cause of many "pulling overs" in several years past I
can tell you first hand that Pop is very VERY serious.
p.s. tell Mark he is a filthy woman.
He knows... :)
I'm lost... I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back, keep me here.
2010-09-03 06:06:56 UTC
Post by chicken
Post by pop
Post by OTSER
Post by pop
remember you? with my memory? of course I remember you! What were we
talking about? oh yeah, I haven't pulled this newsgroup over in years...
You know, I can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic...?
If you remembered me, you would know ;)
I'm lost... I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back, keep me here.
Having been the cause of many "pulling overs" in several years past I
can tell you first hand that Pop is very VERY serious.
p.s. tell Mark he is a filthy woman.
Holy shit... I'm never leaving this group again.

Yer gay btw.
Imperius Damian
2009-09-14 03:58:57 UTC
Post by OTSER
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
OMG, I can't believe EvilBill and pop are still in these groups! :)
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Regards, Otser.
Well, EvilBill was here till he changed his name ;)

Hey, Otser, what's up?
Computer User
2009-09-14 07:11:41 UTC
Post by OTSER
OMG, I can't believe EvilBill and pop are still in these groups! :)
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Regards, Otser.
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to show up
next? :-D
2009-09-16 03:18:28 UTC
I'm still here- playing Q2 everyday at lunch at work- woo-hoo!
Post by Computer User
Post by OTSER
OMG, I can't believe EvilBill and pop are still in these groups! :)
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Regards, Otser.
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to show up
next? :-D
2009-10-07 07:41:07 UTC
Post by Glock
I'm still here- playing Q2 everyday at lunch at work- woo-hoo!
Post by Computer User
Post by OTSER
OMG, I can't believe EvilBill and pop are still in these groups! :)
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Regards, Otser.
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to show up
next? :-D
I just reinstalled q2 after a hiatus of....hm, years and years. Still
a good game. Otser, I remember you. Been quite a while. Good to see
Pop and Evilbill. Remember what a happening place this was?
Imperius Damian
2009-10-15 19:43:19 UTC
Post by Glock
I'm still here- playing Q2 everyday at lunch at work- woo-hoo!
Post by Computer User
Post by OTSER
OMG, I can't believe EvilBill and pop are still in these groups! :)
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Regards, Otser.
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to show up
next? :-D
I just reinstalled q2 after a hiatus of....hm, years and years. Still
a good game. Otser, I remember you. Been quite a while. Good to see
Pop and Evilbill. Remember what a happening place this was?
Back in the day, it was pretty active! Shame, really. Q2 is still a good
game after all these years. Someone should start a Q2 server again. ;) I
still have all the maps and mods and stuff from back then. Lithium and OSP
and all that good stuff!
2009-10-17 12:52:55 UTC
Post by OscartheGrouch
Post by OTSER
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to show up next? :-D
I just reinstalled q2 after a hiatus of....hm, years and years. Still
a good game. Otser, I remember you. Been quite a while. Good to see
Pop and Evilbill. Remember what a happening place this was?
Back in the day, it was pretty active! Shame, really. Q2 is still a good game after all these years. Someone should start a Q2
server again. ;) I still have all the maps and mods and stuff from back then. Lithium and OSP and all that good stuff!
I still have my Q2 folder intact with all mods, models, etc too. Even my
old key binds and stuff, and naturally all the apps I wrote for Q2 using
Visual Basic 5 back then. :)

This WAS a happening place. :) Such great memories. I'd certainly join a
server now if someone was to run one. Back then I played on a 56k dialup
with 300 ping as average, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun.

Regards, Otser.
2009-10-19 02:13:29 UTC
Post by OTSER
Post by OscartheGrouch
Post by OTSER
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to show up next? :-D
I just reinstalled q2 after a hiatus of....hm, years and years. Still
a good game. Otser, I remember you. Been quite a while. Good to see
Pop and Evilbill. Remember what a happening place this was?
Back in the day, it was pretty active! Shame, really. Q2 is still a good game after all these years. Someone should start a Q2
server again. ;) I still have all the maps and mods and stuff from back then. Lithium and OSP and all that good stuff!
I still have my Q2 folder intact with all mods, models, etc too. Even my
old key binds and stuff, and naturally all the apps I wrote for Q2 using
Visual Basic 5 back then. :)
This WAS a happening place. :) Such great memories. I'd certainly join a
server now if someone was to run one. Back then I played on a 56k dialup
with 300 ping as average, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun.
Regards, Otser.
2009-10-22 02:49:05 UTC
Post by OTSER
Post by Imperius Damian
Post by OscartheGrouch
Post by Computer User
Post by OTSER
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to
show up next? :-D
I just reinstalled q2 after a hiatus of....hm, years and years. Still
a good game. Otser, I remember you. Been quite a while. Good to see
Pop and Evilbill. Remember what a happening place this was?
Back in the day, it was pretty active! Shame, really. Q2 is still a good
game after all these years. Someone should start a Q2 server again. ;) I
still have all the maps and mods and stuff from back then. Lithium and
OSP and all that good stuff!
I still have my Q2 folder intact with all mods, models, etc too. Even my
old key binds and stuff, and naturally all the apps I wrote for Q2 using
Visual Basic 5 back then. :)
This WAS a happening place. :) Such great memories. I'd certainly join a
server now if someone was to run one. Back then I played on a 56k dialup
with 300 ping as average, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun.
Regards, Otser.
speaking of q2, anybody know any tweaks for it to get it to play well on
widescreen monitors now? I now have a 25" 1920x1080 display and have to
play in a window to get it to look right. I would much rather play full

George M. Reagan
2009-10-22 12:16:02 UTC

Post by Margolis
Post by OTSER
Post by Imperius Damian
Post by OscartheGrouch
Post by Computer User
Post by OTSER
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to
show up next? :-D
I just reinstalled q2 after a hiatus of....hm, years and years. Still
a good game. Otser, I remember you. Been quite a while. Good to see
Pop and Evilbill. Remember what a happening place this was?
Back in the day, it was pretty active! Shame, really. Q2 is still a good
game after all these years. Someone should start a Q2 server again. ;) I
still have all the maps and mods and stuff from back then. Lithium and
OSP and all that good stuff!
I still have my Q2 folder intact with all mods, models, etc too. Even my
old key binds and stuff, and naturally all the apps I wrote for Q2 using
Visual Basic 5 back then. :)
This WAS a happening place. :) Such great memories. I'd certainly join a
server now if someone was to run one. Back then I played on a 56k dialup
with 300 ping as average, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun.
Regards, Otser.
speaking of q2, anybody know any tweaks for it to get it to play well on
widescreen monitors now? I now have a 25" 1920x1080 display and have to
play in a window to get it to look right. I would much rather play full
Imperius Damian
2009-10-25 18:46:56 UTC
Post by OTSER
Post by Imperius Damian
Post by OscartheGrouch
Post by Computer User
Post by OTSER
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to
show up next? :-D
I just reinstalled q2 after a hiatus of....hm, years and years. Still
a good game. Otser, I remember you. Been quite a while. Good to see
Pop and Evilbill. Remember what a happening place this was?
Back in the day, it was pretty active! Shame, really. Q2 is still a good
game after all these years. Someone should start a Q2 server again. ;) I
still have all the maps and mods and stuff from back then. Lithium and
OSP and all that good stuff!
I still have my Q2 folder intact with all mods, models, etc too. Even my
old key binds and stuff, and naturally all the apps I wrote for Q2 using
Visual Basic 5 back then. :)
This WAS a happening place. :) Such great memories. I'd certainly join a
server now if someone was to run one. Back then I played on a 56k dialup
with 300 ping as average, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun.
Regards, Otser.
That site QwazyWabbit linked to looks great - I'm going through their
Downloads now, they have SHITLOADS of stuff. Looks like almost every map and
mod in existence and they run all kinds of Q2 servers!

I think I shall definitely be giving their servers a look-in from time to
time! ;)
2009-10-25 22:42:15 UTC
On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 14:46:56 -0400, "Imperius Damian"
Post by Imperius Damian
Post by OTSER
Post by Imperius Damian
Post by OscartheGrouch
Post by Computer User
Post by OTSER
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to
show up next? :-D
I just reinstalled q2 after a hiatus of....hm, years and years. Still
a good game. Otser, I remember you. Been quite a while. Good to see
Pop and Evilbill. Remember what a happening place this was?
Back in the day, it was pretty active! Shame, really. Q2 is still a good
game after all these years. Someone should start a Q2 server again. ;) I
still have all the maps and mods and stuff from back then. Lithium and
OSP and all that good stuff!
I still have my Q2 folder intact with all mods, models, etc too. Even my
old key binds and stuff, and naturally all the apps I wrote for Q2 using
Visual Basic 5 back then. :)
This WAS a happening place. :) Such great memories. I'd certainly join a
server now if someone was to run one. Back then I played on a 56k dialup
with 300 ping as average, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun.
Regards, Otser.
That site QwazyWabbit linked to looks great - I'm going through their
Downloads now, they have SHITLOADS of stuff. Looks like almost every map and
mod in existence and they run all kinds of Q2 servers!
I think I shall definitely be giving their servers a look-in from time to
time! ;)
Tastyspleen has to be the longest running and most active bank of Q2
servers on the planet. I can remember playing on TS servers years ago,
definitely a good place for Q2 action in all the various mods. I don't
think they have Devastation, BBall, or BoTS mods though. :)

Another list is http://q2servers.com/, these are mostly servers run on
r1q2ded (R1ch's version of Q2 dedicated servers).

R1ch's support web site: http://www.r1ch.net/ home of r1q2 client and
server and anticheat.

Our ClanWOS clan server: http://www.clanwos.org/
Imperius Damian
2009-11-02 03:24:44 UTC
Post by QwazyWabbit
On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 14:46:56 -0400, "Imperius Damian"
Post by Imperius Damian
Post by OTSER
Post by Imperius Damian
Post by OscartheGrouch
Post by Computer User
Post by OTSER
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Hi Otser! I remember you from way back in the day! Who is going to
show up next? :-D
I just reinstalled q2 after a hiatus of....hm, years and years. Still
a good game. Otser, I remember you. Been quite a while. Good to see
Pop and Evilbill. Remember what a happening place this was?
Back in the day, it was pretty active! Shame, really. Q2 is still a good
game after all these years. Someone should start a Q2 server again. ;) I
still have all the maps and mods and stuff from back then. Lithium and
OSP and all that good stuff!
I still have my Q2 folder intact with all mods, models, etc too. Even my
old key binds and stuff, and naturally all the apps I wrote for Q2 using
Visual Basic 5 back then. :)
This WAS a happening place. :) Such great memories. I'd certainly join a
server now if someone was to run one. Back then I played on a 56k dialup
with 300 ping as average, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun.
Regards, Otser.
That site QwazyWabbit linked to looks great - I'm going through their
Downloads now, they have SHITLOADS of stuff. Looks like almost every map and
mod in existence and they run all kinds of Q2 servers!
I think I shall definitely be giving their servers a look-in from time to
time! ;)
Tastyspleen has to be the longest running and most active bank of Q2
servers on the planet. I can remember playing on TS servers years ago,
definitely a good place for Q2 action in all the various mods. I don't
think they have Devastation, BBall, or BoTS mods though. :)
Hehe that's OK for me! I'm an Instagib, Vanilla DM, Q2CTF and Lithium player
mostly :)
Post by QwazyWabbit
Another list is http://q2servers.com/, these are mostly servers run on
r1q2ded (R1ch's version of Q2 dedicated servers).
Sweet :D
Post by QwazyWabbit
R1ch's support web site: http://www.r1ch.net/ home of r1q2 client and
server and anticheat.
Our ClanWOS clan server: http://www.clanwos.org/
Nice :) More links to peruse at my leisure ;)
2009-11-08 22:58:27 UTC
Post by OTSER
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain at http://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ -
only its
name will change. :)
OMG, I can't believe EvilBill and pop are still in these groups! :)
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Regards, Otser.

Yeah yeah I know it is Otser not Oster, named after the street you
used to live on =P

But yeah, I don't remember you.
2010-09-03 06:11:05 UTC
Post by OTSER
OMG, I can't believe EvilBill and pop are still in these groups! :)
I just set up Outlook Express for the first time in years to check out
these old groups, and you guys are still kicking around. :) How have you
all been? Do you even remember me? :)
Regards, Otser.
I have no idea who you are... I hardly know who I am these days.

I don't have to know you to tell you... FU

Hi Otser! WB man!
2009-10-10 22:51:14 UTC
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain athttp://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ - only
name will change. :)
I feel so behind on these things. I'm not really anything more
interesting than Steve these days. Are any of you guys on Facebook?
Is there a Facebook group for old timey pc gamers. I just gave in and
signed up for an account. Something about Facebook, at its best,
reminds me of the old Newsgroup days.

Marxbig if you see this are you or were you in SF for the President's
Cup? If you are you're right across the street from where I work at
San Francisco State University.

Hey everyone else. Hey OTSER! I still look in here once a month or
so through Google Groups. I don't even have a news reader functioning
any longer.

Steve - AKA Inglo AKA LymanAlpha
2009-10-23 03:17:28 UTC
On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 15:51:14 -0700 (PDT), Inglo
Post by Inglo
Post by EvilBill[AGQx]
Hi all,
Sorry for the crosspost but I wanted to reach everyone ;)
I'm retiring the EvilBill screen name. It started off as a not so subtle dig
at Bill Gates back in 1998 and it's just silly now.
I've picked out a new one that has more personal meaning to me, so from now
on when you see "Imperius Damian" posting, that's me ;)
My new website will remain athttp://sweetspeargirl.byethost24.com/ - only
name will change. :)
I feel so behind on these things. I'm not really anything more
interesting than Steve these days. Are any of you guys on Facebook?
Is there a Facebook group for old timey pc gamers. I just gave in and
signed up for an account. Something about Facebook, at its best,
reminds me of the old Newsgroup days.
Marxbig if you see this are you or were you in SF for the President's
Cup? If you are you're right across the street from where I work at
San Francisco State University.
Hey everyone else. Hey OTSER! I still look in here once a month or
so through Google Groups. I don't even have a news reader functioning
any longer.
Steve - AKA Inglo AKA LymanAlpha
Yah...I was there. Wish I'd known. Would love to have looked you up.
Had a great week out there. Just got back from Bermuda this week for
the Grand Slam. Another "W" !!! yay...

Playing a lot of L4D. There is a p0rn0finish group on there with a lot
of the old regulars.

marXbig...knows just enough to be dangerous.