So what multiplayer games are Quake fans playing these days?
(too old to reply)
2008-12-05 07:03:07 UTC
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
XP, I went to Unreal Tournament. When I tried to get back to Quake 3,
I couldn't quite get the hang of it.

UT is now up to version 3. From the Quake/Doom people, an arena only
game hasn't been released since... Quake 3 Arena. I guess Id realized
that they did it right the first time, and chose not to try to improve
on perfection. On the Unreal side, there are more players on original
UT than either of its two (or three) sequels.

So, for those who've tired of the Arena, what multiplayer games do you
find to be the funnest?

(Another plus for Quake3: The background story makes more sense. UT
never did explain how the players eternally die and respawn. Q3 is
some kind of afterlife.)

(One negative (to my knowledge): No vehicles. I don't much care for
the vehicles, but Onslaught has the most servers running of all UT2004
game types.)
2008-12-05 13:21:15 UTC
Post by Todd
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
Didn't know there were problems with Q2 at all. I belive Q2 is the most
stable game ever.
Erik Max Francis
2008-12-07 00:16:12 UTC
Post by Todd
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
XP, I went to Unreal Tournament. When I tried to get back to Quake 3,
I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
UT is now up to version 3. From the Quake/Doom people, an arena only
game hasn't been released since... Quake 3 Arena. I guess Id realized
that they did it right the first time, and chose not to try to improve
on perfection.
Either that, or they're not as popular as they once were, since the game
industry has moved on to a whole raft of new types of online games,
especially concentrating on team-based and objective-based games.
Post by Todd
So, for those who've tired of the Arena, what multiplayer games do you
find to be the funnest?
(Another plus for Quake3: The background story makes more sense. UT
never did explain how the players eternally die and respawn. Q3 is
some kind of afterlife.)
It's not very much of a decent explanation. _Unreal Tournament 3_ tries
a more coherent explanation, but it's still not very convincing (and
didn't receive very good reviews in any case). If you're looking for an
"arena"-style deathmatch game where you die and respawn, then I think
you're just going to have to face the fact that there's no real rational
way to explain that and just play and enjoy yourself.
Post by Todd
(One negative (to my knowledge): No vehicles. I don't much care for
the vehicles, but Onslaught has the most servers running of all UT2004
game types.)
A large majority of the modern team-based FPS games have vehicles,
because that's what people want.
Erik Max Francis && ***@alcyone.com && http://www.alcyone.com/max/
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 18 N 121 57 W && AIM, Y!M erikmaxfrancis
There are not fifty ways of fighting, there is only one: to be the
conqueror. -- Andrew Malraux, 1937
2008-12-07 16:42:32 UTC
Post by Todd
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
XP, I went to Unreal Tournament. When I tried to get back to Quake 3,
I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
UT is now up to version 3. From the Quake/Doom people, an arena only
game hasn't been released since... Quake 3 Arena. I guess Id realized
that they did it right the first time, and chose not to try to improve
on perfection. On the Unreal side, there are more players on original
UT than either of its two (or three) sequels.
So, for those who've tired of the Arena, what multiplayer games do you
find to be the funnest?
(Another plus for Quake3: The background story makes more sense. UT
never did explain how the players eternally die and respawn. Q3 is
some kind of afterlife.)
(One negative (to my knowledge): No vehicles. I don't much care for
the vehicles, but Onslaught has the most servers running of all UT2004
game types.)
Stopped playing Q3 about a year ago, after ASE crapped out. Decided to
give UT (Urban Terror) a go and love it. Simple, free, lottsa fun and
despite more hacking than I saw in Q3, there are enough good servers
that police themselves well.
2008-12-07 22:56:20 UTC
Post by Todd
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
XP, I went to Unreal Tournament. When I tried to get back to Quake 3,
I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
UT is now up to version 3. From the Quake/Doom people, an arena only
game hasn't been released since... Quake 3 Arena. I guess Id realized
that they did it right the first time, and chose not to try to improve
on perfection. On the Unreal side, there are more players on original
UT than either of its two (or three) sequels.
So, for those who've tired of the Arena, what multiplayer games do you
find to be the funnest?
(Another plus for Quake3: The background story makes more sense. UT
never did explain how the players eternally die and respawn. Q3 is
some kind of afterlife.)
(One negative (to my knowledge): No vehicles. I don't much care for
the vehicles, but Onslaught has the most servers running of all UT2004
game types.)
Urban Terror. And q3 instaunlagged instagib if I can find people.
Mr Buckly
2008-12-23 08:06:54 UTC
Post by Todd
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
XP, I went to Unreal Tournament. When I tried to get back to Quake 3,
I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
UT is now up to version 3. From the Quake/Doom people, an arena only
game hasn't been released since... Quake 3 Arena. I guess Id realized
that they did it right the first time, and chose not to try to improve
on perfection. On the Unreal side, there are more players on original
UT than either of its two (or three) sequels.
So, for those who've tired of the Arena, what multiplayer games do you
find to be the funnest?
(Another plus for Quake3: The background story makes more sense. UT
never did explain how the players eternally die and respawn. Q3 is
some kind of afterlife.)
(One negative (to my knowledge): No vehicles. I don't much care for
the vehicles, but Onslaught has the most servers running of all UT2004
game types.)
Man, i cant believe this old group is still here........lol

I have not posted to this group in years now. Glad to see its somewhat
still alive.

But to answer your question, i more or less play Enemy Territory now
more than anything. But i still have a few Q3 servers up and running
right along side my Enemy Territory servers.

2008-12-23 09:52:38 UTC
I am playing on Comcast and suddenly 4-5 months ago I can still see many
many servers of Enemy Territory on xfire (100 or less ping) to play BUT
always have problems with connection or server message 22. When I try to
stay online with Enemy Territory and "play online" no servers show to play
.. always getting errors about pak. Been playing for year w/no problem
except about a year or so ago had the same problem. Forgot solution.

Also about 3 years ago I changed to new video board and lcd and have not
been able to play Quake 3. Using pny geforce 8500gt 512 ddr2. Lost settings
I had in config file and xfire startup for the game but somehow low it and
thought could be problem. Now computer just locks up.
Post by Mr Buckly
Post by Todd
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
XP, I went to Unreal Tournament. When I tried to get back to Quake 3,
I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
UT is now up to version 3. From the Quake/Doom people, an arena only
game hasn't been released since... Quake 3 Arena. I guess Id realized
that they did it right the first time, and chose not to try to improve
on perfection. On the Unreal side, there are more players on original
UT than either of its two (or three) sequels.
So, for those who've tired of the Arena, what multiplayer games do you
find to be the funnest?
(Another plus for Quake3: The background story makes more sense. UT
never did explain how the players eternally die and respawn. Q3 is
some kind of afterlife.)
(One negative (to my knowledge): No vehicles. I don't much care for
the vehicles, but Onslaught has the most servers running of all UT2004
game types.)
Man, i cant believe this old group is still here........lol
I have not posted to this group in years now. Glad to see its somewhat
still alive.
But to answer your question, i more or less play Enemy Territory now more
than anything. But i still have a few Q3 servers up and running right
along side my Enemy Territory servers.
Rudolf Kemnitz
2009-01-19 09:43:40 UTC
Post by Mr Buckly
Post by Todd
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
XP, I went to Unreal Tournament. When I tried to get back to Quake 3,
I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
UT is now up to version 3. From the Quake/Doom people, an arena only
game hasn't been released since... Quake 3 Arena. I guess Id realized
that they did it right the first time, and chose not to try to improve
on perfection. On the Unreal side, there are more players on original
UT than either of its two (or three) sequels.
So, for those who've tired of the Arena, what multiplayer games do you
find to be the funnest?
(Another plus for Quake3: The background story makes more sense. UT
never did explain how the players eternally die and respawn. Q3 is
some kind of afterlife.)
(One negative (to my knowledge): No vehicles. I don't much care for
the vehicles, but Onslaught has the most servers running of all UT2004
game types.)
Man, i cant believe this old group is still here........lol
I have not posted to this group in years now. Glad to see its somewhat
still alive.
But to answer your question, i more or less play Enemy Territory now more
than anything. But i still have a few Q3 servers up and running right
along side my Enemy Territory servers.
still playing quake 1, quake 2, quake 4, and doom 3... till doom 4 come out
some day... :-)

bye, DUDI
http://www.gamestar.de/community/josches/ (Profil by Gamestar)
http://www.xfire.com/profile/dudi1969/ (Profil by Xfire)
http://www.sysprofile.de/id82547 (MY PC)
Skybuck Flying
2009-01-10 02:33:52 UTC
Quake 3 Arena.

Killings those cheating bots at nightmare mode gives me some statisfaction

Also little bit of L4D but got a bit bored with it... it's too easy...
(zombies don't shoot) and then too difficult too when there are 20 around
you ;)

And ofcourse the occasional BF2 :)

I'm kinda looking forward to Aliens: Colonial Marines... just because I'm a
little aliens fan too...

Even if they game sux I still wanna play it lol :) just to soke up the
atmosphere me hopes ;) :) and good sounds me hopes ! ;) and good animations
lol yadyayadyaydyadyada lol.

Skybuck ;)
2009-01-10 04:31:15 UTC
Still playing Quake 2 :)
The Pope
2009-02-01 16:57:51 UTC
Post by Todd
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
I tried a manual install with XP and it runs. I found instructions for a manual installation at
gamespot, see below.

I have't tried the update (q2-3.20-x86-ful.exe) from idsoftware.com and I'd like to know if it works
in XP. The update is needed to connect to a server. I couldn't get openGL to work. It's a new
computer (Dell) with onboard graphics (Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100) that is supposed to
support OpenGL. Does anyone know how to make this work?

It might be time to just move on to something newer but I'd like to have the option of playing


From: The Admiral 1/14 7:55AM

You need to do a manual install. This can be a little tricky, but it's been confirmed to work for
Vista and is recommended by Activision.

1) Install the CD and enter the MS-DOS Prompt (START / Programs / Accessories / Command Prompt or
whatever way you want)

2) In the DOS Session type the following:

cd\ (press the Enter key)
md quake2 (press the Enter key
cd\quake2 (press the Enter key)
xcopy d:\install\data\*.* /s/e/v (press the Enter key)

This creates the Quake 2 folder in the root directory, but you can create or later move the
directory any where you want.

3) After it's done copying the files, type "Exit" and then press the Enter key. You should now be
back in Windows.

4) Go to the "Quake2" folder you created above.

5) Right-click on the file called: Quake2.exe, choose "Copy".

6) Now close all the windows and right-click on the Desktop of Windows and select "Paste Shortcut".

7) Next, right-click on the "Shortcut to Quake2" and choose "Properties". Click on the "Shortcut"
tab at the top.

8) In the section that says "Target", add the following to the end of the line (after adding a

+set cddir D:\install\data +set basedir C:\QUAKE2

It should look like this when you're done:

C:\Quake2\quake2.exe +set cddir D:\install\data +set basedir C:\QUAKE2

9) Click on "Apply" and then "Ok"

10) To run Quake 2, double-click on the "Shortcut to Quake2" icon.
Post by Todd
I went to Unreal Tournament. When I tried to get back to Quake 3,
I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
UT is now up to version 3. From the Quake/Doom people, an arena only
game hasn't been released since... Quake 3 Arena. I guess Id realized
that they did it right the first time, and chose not to try to improve
on perfection. On the Unreal side, there are more players on original
UT than either of its two (or three) sequels.
So, for those who've tired of the Arena, what multiplayer games do you
find to be the funnest?
(Another plus for Quake3: The background story makes more sense. UT
never did explain how the players eternally die and respawn. Q3 is
some kind of afterlife.)
(One negative (to my knowledge): No vehicles. I don't much care for
the vehicles, but Onslaught has the most servers running of all UT2004
game types.)
The Pope
2009-02-10 12:05:34 UTC
Post by The Pope
Post by Todd
I loved Quake 2 multi-player, but when I couldn't get it to run under
I tried a manual install with XP and it runs. I found instructions for a manual installation at
gamespot, see below.
I have't tried the update (q2-3.20-x86-ful.exe) from idsoftware.com and I'd like to know if it works
in XP.
I found some answers.

This udate only extracts files into the quake folder using winunzip and you can choose where to
extract them.
Post by The Pope
The update is needed to connect to a server. I couldn't get openGL to work. It's a new
computer (Dell) with onboard graphics (Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100) that is supposed to
support OpenGL. Does anyone know how to make this work?
Change the Windows desktop color from 32 bit to 16 bit and OpenGL works. I vaguely remember that now
from several years ago.

I've been playing a little at tastyspleen.net
Post by The Pope
It might be time to just move on to something newer but I'd like to have the option of playing
From: The Admiral 1/14 7:55AM
You need to do a manual install. This can be a little tricky, but it's been confirmed to work for
Vista and is recommended by Activision.
1) Install the CD and enter the MS-DOS Prompt (START / Programs / Accessories / Command Prompt or
whatever way you want)
cd\ (press the Enter key)
md quake2 (press the Enter key
cd\quake2 (press the Enter key)
xcopy d:\install\data\*.* /s/e/v (press the Enter key)
This creates the Quake 2 folder in the root directory, but you can create or later move the
directory any where you want.
3) After it's done copying the files, type "Exit" and then press the Enter key. You should now be
back in Windows.
4) Go to the "Quake2" folder you created above.
5) Right-click on the file called: Quake2.exe, choose "Copy".
6) Now close all the windows and right-click on the Desktop of Windows and select "Paste Shortcut".
7) Next, right-click on the "Shortcut to Quake2" and choose "Properties". Click on the "Shortcut"
tab at the top.
8) In the section that says "Target", add the following to the end of the line (after adding a
+set cddir D:\install\data +set basedir C:\QUAKE2
C:\Quake2\quake2.exe +set cddir D:\install\data +set basedir C:\QUAKE2
9) Click on "Apply" and then "Ok"
10) To run Quake 2, double-click on the "Shortcut to Quake2" icon.
Post by Todd
I went to Unreal Tournament. When I tried to get back to Quake 3,
I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
UT is now up to version 3. From the Quake/Doom people, an arena only
game hasn't been released since... Quake 3 Arena. I guess Id realized
that they did it right the first time, and chose not to try to improve
on perfection. On the Unreal side, there are more players on original
UT than either of its two (or three) sequels.
So, for those who've tired of the Arena, what multiplayer games do you
find to be the funnest?
(Another plus for Quake3: The background story makes more sense. UT
never did explain how the players eternally die and respawn. Q3 is
some kind of afterlife.)
(One negative (to my knowledge): No vehicles. I don't much care for
the vehicles, but Onslaught has the most servers running of all UT2004
game types.)