what the f?
(too old to reply)
2009-01-16 21:51:36 UTC
I don't get what's going wrong here.

This is in Team Arena.

I keep typing in "/bot_minplayers 6" but never get more than four
players. Plus, the other day, I turned from a male player into a
female, after typing some code that had nothing to do with characters.

"/sv_cheats 1" doesn't work. I just get something about unwritable or
hardwired. I forget what.

When I use "/devmap", the join and add bots buttons in the menu are

I tried playing ctf in mptourney1, but there doesn't seem to be any
flags. So I tried "/g_gamtype 3", and got team deathmatch, but
couldn't join the game.

So I found that 1 is dm, 2 is 1on1, 3 is team dm, and 4 is ctf, at
least in Q3. What about Harvester and 1Flag in Team Arena?

I hate games that don't allow single-player cheating, or make it hard
to cheat. I payed for the game, I should be able to play it through,
even if I'm not very good. And the people who program the bots don't
really know how bad a novice player is.

That's another question. What commands are for setting bot
difficulty? These guys may not be godlike, but if i have to waste all
my ammo to kill one guy, that's not "I can win".

(I should mention that I play Unreal Tournament. On "Average", which
is second after "Novice", I can usually win without getting killed. I
think "Experienced" is next, and I can still usually win, though I
don't play it much because I I hate to have the bots win while I'm
still learning the maps.)
2009-01-16 23:44:57 UTC
Post by Todd
I keep typing in "/bot_minplayers 6" but never get more than four
players. Plus, the other day, I turned from a male player into a
female, after typing some code that had nothing to do with characters.
Try adding bots manually: /addbot <botname>
Post by Todd
"/sv_cheats 1" doesn't work. I just get something about unwritable or
hardwired. I forget what.
It works for what it's intended for, enabling cheats is not part of that.
Post by Todd
When I use "/devmap", the join and add bots buttons in the menu are
/team red or /team blue
Post by Todd
So I found that 1 is dm, 2 is 1on1, 3 is team dm, and 4 is ctf, at
least in Q3. What about Harvester and 1Flag in Team Arena?
Did you bother trying g_gametype 5 or 6?
Post by Todd
I hate games that don't allow single-player cheating, or make it hard
to cheat. I payed for the game, I should be able to play it through,
even if I'm not very good. And the people who program the bots don't
really know how bad a novice player is.
Your own impatience is the only obstacle, it's not difficult.
Post by Todd
That's another question. What commands are for setting bot
difficulty? These guys may not be godlike, but if i have to waste all
my ammo to kill one guy, that's not "I can win".
g_spskill <1-5>

You could try starting a dedicated server, then joining it.
2009-01-16 23:46:46 UTC
Post by sittingduck
Post by Todd
"/sv_cheats 1" doesn't work. I just get something about unwritable or
hardwired. I forget what.
It works for what it's intended for, enabling cheats is not part of that.
Actually I was thinking of sv_pure. I'm not sure what use sv_cheats has.....
No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and
reasoning as fear. - Edmund Burke