Sound Concept for Quake3/Live :) "Sweet kiddy voice(s)".
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Skybuck Flying
2009-02-23 09:44:11 UTC

I just had another idea ! Yes another idea ! LOL

For Quake 3 Arena, this time a Sound Idea !.

The idea is as follows:

"Kiddy mode" for sound.

This means a little funny kid voice says stuff when your playing, like:

With a high little sweet kid voice:

"You're not gonna kill me"

"Bam bam bam bam bam"

"I got a big shotgun"

"I am going to kill you"

"HaHa I got you"

"I love that"

"I love you"

"No you bastard !"

"Oh no"

"Oeeh that sucks".

It must be the sweetest voice ever !

Like a very gentle voice !

Kid voice !

Listen to some youtube video's of little kids who play shooters to
understand what I mean ! ;)

It could be very much enjoyable if it seems as if I am playing against
little kids...

Especially the robots/bots !

Wouldn't that be totally funny if they acted like little kids owning your
ass ! LOL.

(It could be enemies saying that... but I was more thinking about my own
character saying that ! As if it's talking to the others ! I could get
annoying though if my character says stuff by itself... in that case there
should be an option to let the enemies talk to me with kiddy voice ! =D)

Skybuck Flying
2009-02-23 09:45:19 UTC

The 3D models could simply remain bots/humans. (I don't like shooting bodies
looking like kids)

It should be as if little kiddies have taken over control of the bots... and
are now playing with bots talking to me ! =D

And maybe my model talking to ;)

2009-03-06 05:13:29 UTC
On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 10:44:11 +0100, "Skybuck Flying"
Post by Skybuck Flying
I just had another idea ! Yes another idea ! LOL
For Quake 3 Arena, this time a Sound Idea !.
"Kiddy mode" for sound.
"You're not gonna kill me"
"Bam bam bam bam bam"
"I got a big shotgun"
"I am going to kill you"
"HaHa I got you"
"I love that"
"I love you"
"No you bastard !"
"Oh no"
"Oeeh that sucks".
It must be the sweetest voice ever !
Like a very gentle voice !
Kid voice !
Listen to some youtube video's of little kids who play shooters to
understand what I mean ! ;)
It could be very much enjoyable if it seems as if I am playing against
little kids...
Especially the robots/bots !
Wouldn't that be totally funny if they acted like little kids owning your
ass ! LOL.
(It could be enemies saying that... but I was more thinking about my own
character saying that ! As if it's talking to the others ! I could get
annoying though if my character says stuff by itself... in that case there
should be an option to let the enemies talk to me with kiddy voice ! =D)
In Deus Ex when one of the hulking great robots can't find what it is
looking for it complains in that sort of voice "Target Lost". Almost
sounds as if it is crying with frustration.
fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness