Discovery: Bots go to the weapons ;) <- Fun
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Skybuck Flying
2009-11-02 11:53:52 UTC

The bots go to the weapons...

So this provides a way to "set the battlefield"...

If you want to fight near the bridge on the demo then simply taken some
weapons to the bridge and kill yourself... this will drop the weapon.

Then quickly go back there but don't pick up the weapons... pickup some new
weapons from spawn places.

The dropped weapons will function like a honey pot... before you know it the
place will be swarming with bots for a nice massive fight ! ;)

Skybuck =D
Skybuck Flying
2009-11-02 11:56:12 UTC
At least on nightmare skill setting... I always play that... and own those
bots usually from the second round since then my adreline is pumping ;)...

I am not sure what the bots do on lower skill setting but probably the same
just less aggressive I guess ! ;) :)

Post by Skybuck Flying
The bots go to the weapons...
So this provides a way to "set the battlefield"...
If you want to fight near the bridge on the demo then simply taken some
weapons to the bridge and kill yourself... this will drop the weapon.
Then quickly go back there but don't pick up the weapons... pickup some
new weapons from spawn places.
The dropped weapons will function like a honey pot... before you know it
the place will be swarming with bots for a nice massive fight ! ;)
Skybuck =D