For those who care
(too old to reply)
2010-02-13 17:49:27 UTC
Heyas . . . assuming this message does not just sit here all orphaned and
lonesomelike. This is just to alert those who care that the pF website is
changing domains. We like to change things every ten years or so just to
keep you duffers on your aging toes. The new URL is http://www.g0m0.net

Ok, you may now go back to sleep.
Imperius Damian
2010-02-14 17:36:10 UTC
Post by pF.Rumor
Heyas . . . assuming this message does not just sit here all orphaned and
lonesomelike. This is just to alert those who care that the pF website is
changing domains. We like to change things every ten years or so just to
keep you duffers on your aging toes. The new URL is http://www.g0m0.net
Ok, you may now go back to sleep.
*jerks awake*
Fuggin g0m0. ;)

*goes back to sleep*
Apathy [AGQx]
2010-02-17 12:24:01 UTC
Post by pF.Rumor
Heyas . . . assuming this message does not just sit here all orphaned and
lonesomelike. This is just to alert those who care that the pF website is
changing domains. We like to change things every ten years or so just to
keep you duffers on your aging toes. The new URL is http://www.g0m0.net
Ok, you may now go back to sleep.

Never heard of 'em.
