Look straight down weird jump bug.
(too old to reply)
Skybuck Flying
2009-10-24 04:50:18 UTC

Today I discovered a strange "look straight down weird jump bug" in Quake 3
Arena Demo ?! :)

To re-create/see the bug in action do the following:

1. Start the game.

2. Look straight down.

3. Press jump key once.

Sometimes the character will keep jumping a few times... kinda weird.

It doesn't do it everytime... just now and then... so try it a few times.

Frames per second was 90 or so.

Skybuck Flying
2009-10-25 02:09:10 UTC
Actually this bug happens when jumping normally as well ! kinda funny !

I think... I already knew there was something fishy with quake 3 jumping !

Skybuck =D
2009-10-25 02:30:34 UTC
Post by Skybuck Flying
Today I discovered a strange "look straight down weird jump bug" in
Quake 3 Arena Demo ?! :)
Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider
a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile. — Kurt Vonnegut
Skybuck Flying
2009-10-26 06:16:50 UTC
Post by sittingduck
Post by Skybuck Flying
Today I discovered a strange "look straight down weird jump bug" in
Quake 3 Arena Demo ?! :)
Would you believe it if I said it was possible to jump over the wall on the
beach in the Wolfenstein Demo ?!

I have seen one person do it without any help of other people, granades,
setting tweaks or anything else, except the following:

The dude ran very fast down the hills on the beach... and then sprinted up
to the wall and then simply hopped over it thanks to more speed ! (He was
playing the LT)

Possibly the most amazing thing I ever saw in a shooter ! ;) :)

Skybuck =D
2009-10-26 07:35:03 UTC
Post by Skybuck Flying
Would you believe it if I said it was possible to jump over the wall on
the beach in the Wolfenstein Demo ?!
That's not a bounce bug, that's a strafe jump. :) Google it.
Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider
a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile. — Kurt Vonnegut
Skybuck Flying
2009-10-27 21:31:51 UTC
Post by sittingduck
Post by Skybuck Flying
Would you believe it if I said it was possible to jump over the wall on
the beach in the Wolfenstein Demo ?!
That's not a bounce bug, that's a strafe jump. :) Google it.
Link ?

Anyway I don't think strafing had anything to do with it...

The dude just ran down the hill to get some extra speed ;)

Then he ran upto the wall on the right side of the beach, did a hop hop hop
and through the hole at the top of the wall ! ;)

Maybe he had nice rounding errors because of high frame rates, could help as
well ;)

2009-10-27 23:31:11 UTC
Post by Skybuck Flying
Post by sittingduck
Post by Skybuck Flying
Would you believe it if I said it was possible to jump over the wall
on the beach in the Wolfenstein Demo ?!
That's not a bounce bug, that's a strafe jump. :) Google it.
Link ?
www.google.com (sorry, couldn't resist)
Post by Skybuck Flying
Anyway I don't think strafing had anything to do with it...
The dude just ran down the hill to get some extra speed ;)
While strafe-jumping.... ;)
Post by Skybuck Flying
Then he ran upto the wall on the right side of the beach, did a hop hop
hop and through the hole at the top of the wall ! ;)
Maybe he had nice rounding errors because of high frame rates, could
help as well ;)
Strafejumping in wolfenstein is a bit trickier than doing it in quake. Your
framerate is a big factor.
Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I
consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile. — Kurt Vonnegut
Skybuck Flying
2009-10-28 20:03:35 UTC
No he didn't strafe jump down the hill...

But you welcome to try...

I tried it too... I can't do it...

It's very difficult to jump over the wall.

