Business Proposition
(too old to reply)
Rakshit Gaur
2011-03-24 00:41:01 UTC
Let me give you a brief verbal overview of what we can do together.
But, before I begin, I want to ask you a simple question…which
requires an honest answer from you: Are you open to the idea of
having an additional source of income? If Yes, fantastic!! The reason
I asked this question at the beginning is because I do not like to
waste people’s time, just the way I do not like my time to be wasted.

Now what we do is very simple. You have heard of E bay, Amazon, these
are Portals/Shops Online where people can buy and sell things (goods
and services). We are also a portal online. When I say WE, I’m
talking about the company with whom we have partnered with. It’s
called Qi, there is no full form for Qi, it simply means energy (CHI
in Chinese). Qi was started almost 12 years ago in Hong Kong, today
with a turnover of more than $2bn. Now they have a range of products
and services that are available through their Portal/Shop Online. To
our advantage these products and services, are so fantastic, they do
not require selling. They are designed in such a manner that they
sell themselves. The reason why I say to our advantage is because I
do not fancy myself going Door- to- Door, selling washing powder,
detergent, toothpaste etc… Let me explain…not only are the products
fantastic….the opportunity we will show shortly is also fantastic….and
some of the products are…
We have our own telecommunications arm called QI Comm. QI Comm. is
based in London. QI Comm. takes care of telecommunication needs of
various organizations like Ministry of Defence-UK, London Underground
(their Metro railway system), and already existing wireless service
providers like Bharti, T Mobile, Tele Globe etc. Now you can buy the
international calling service directly from QI Comm. & save huge

QI Comm. has a unique service called ‘IN Voice’ that allows me to keep
my existing sim card in my phone, but it has the intelligence that for
any overseas call it will not use my your local carrier credit, but
will use my IN Voice credit that I top up online. How do I benefit?
I will end up saving 50% to 90% and sometimes even 99% on my overseas
calls. But the biggest advantage is that you can be reached on one
number globally and you do not have to pay any roaming charges. You
can basically travel the world with one number on your Business Card
and no more roaming bills. I am sure you agree that this is something
that does not require Selling. It requires only Telling!! Whether you
choose to pay roaming charges when you travel abroad or not? It is a
choice for you. Today, we have people chasing us wanting to know how
to cut down their telecom cost. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that
recently Nokia has partnered with QI Comm.
Let me tell you about our hottest selling Product which is the
vacation packages. Do you like going on holiday, then you will love
it. We have our own holiday company called QVI that is based in
Singapore. Have you travelled abroad on holidays? On an average a
decent holiday for 2 in a 4 star / 5 star property will cost 150 to
200 USD a night, this also at low end destination like Malaysia,
Thailand, and Bali. In European destinations you cannot think of
anything less than 150 pounds a night. If you buy your holidays from
QVI, your cost per room or apartment is less than 100USD a night, not
for 2 but for 4 people. Over 3 thousand locations worldwide in 4/5
star boutique properties.
Another range of products is ‘Amezcua’ Wellness products. These are
nanotechnology Products made in Germany. Apart from being an excellent
Wellness Product for our overall Health & wellbeing, these Products
are found to have excellent wellness properties in people who have
diabetes, hypertension, stress, aches & pains, gout etc. We have the
powerful ‘Amezcua’ Biodisc, ‘Amezcua’ Pewter Biodisc, ‘Amezcua’ Energy
Shell and the ‘Amezcua’ Straw Tubes. Again having such excellent
products, which have such far reaching wellness Properties, do I need
to convince you?
Other than this, we have our own high quality Grade A Swiss Watches,
under the brand name Bernard H. Mayer and Cimier. We also have
exquisite fine Jewellery, Quartz items etc.
Now, all of these products and services are available online through
our portal. Where do we come in or how do we fit in this whole
project? We are expanding this portal’s footprints / business across
the globe. What does the company give us? As customers of the company,
we get 12% to 14% out of all the businesses generated by us. 12% to
14% is our net profit to keep.

We are in the process of identifying a few key partners who we can
work with on a daily basis. Now, these key partners cannot be just
any average Johnny walking on the street. They have to be like-minded
people with a dynamic mindset, those who want to break through the
glass ceiling that their current occupation provides. If you look at
the Concept from my perspective, what you are doing today and what I
am doing is actually the same thing. Your 100% effort eventually
contributes, in some way shape or form, to increasing the market
share / business for your employer / company. But what does the
company give you? A salary! Imagine if your company gave you 14% of
their turnover, you would not be sitting here today. You would be
enjoying your millions on a beach somewhere.

In our project, we increase the market share for the portal and the
company gives us 14%. I’m sure you have understood that the downside
in becoming a part of this project is that you will end up saving
money on future holidays and your international calls. The upside is
that you can earn your own 14%. But let me warn you that it’s not
everybody’s cup of tea to become a millionaire. So if what I have
shared with you interests you and you are still serious about being
open minded, then we can move forward to discuss the mathematics. The
How! But before we do that, there are three things that are required
from your end:

First, do you have the Capacity to make a financial decision to better
your own future? If you have to ask your CA, your Spouse, Brother, Dad
then we would rather show the mathematics and the figures to them.
Second, can you take out about 10-15 hrs in a week initially to work
the business along with us? If not, then our sincerest advice is that
you buy one of the fantastic Products & enjoy using it. Third, are
you open to Learning/Changing? Are you Coachable? This Business is
different and might require you to acquire a different set of skills &
a mind change.

If you need of an additional source of income then let us continue
with the mathematics.

Best Regards,
Rakshit Gaur
Mobile: +91-9620900100
Website: www.rakshit.myqnsite.com
Skype: Rakshit.gaur
Linkedin: http://in.linkedin.com/in/rakshitgaur
Dan C
2011-03-24 03:05:23 UTC
Post by Rakshit Gaur
Let me give you a brief verbal overview of what we can do together.
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